Our community at the Antonian Shrines

There are many of us in the large family of the Antonian Shrines and each of us is available to welcome and listen to anyone who feels the need to approach us.
Our retreat house Casa di Spiritualità “Oasi s.Antonio” is part of this large community at the Antonian Shrines, in which there are:

  • The Friars Minor Conventual, successors and brothers of St. Anthony;
  • the Poor Clare Nuns who live in the monastery near the Antonine Shrine of the Walnut Tree;
  • the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi, valuable collaborators within the Casa;
  • the Oasi Giovani e Famiglie, a project established in 2015 to support and be of help to families in need and to the youth in general.


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